Mark T Smith’s work is a kaleidoscopic blend of precision and spontaneity, a fusion that mirrors the very process he uses to create his art. Each painting is the result of a carefully cultivated balance …
artist marktsmith

Available Works / 2020/21
This is an online catalog of works that are available in late 2020. This list is by no means exhaustive or complete. These are the works that are currently in my studio or storages. Most …

Sketchbook 2020 / Seattle Studio
Working in sketchbook is fundamental to my studio practice as an artist. This is where all ideas start and are captured for refinement. Filled with notes, sketches, reportage drawings and observational drawings, these books are …

Figure Drawing 2019
The human figure is one of the most challenging forms to master. Because of the complexity of the human body, it makes the perfect subject to test, hone and renew one’s mastery of drawing. Over …

Artist Mark T Smith
Drawing. This is where every idea, project, thought, or expression starts for me. Drawing is the most direct, raw manner to present an idea. It can contain the simplest or most complex …